
publications categorized in reverse chronological order


  1. Research Paper
    [Political Sciences]
    (Politically) Motivated Information Acquisition: A Minimal Formal Framework
    Egor Bronnikov
  2. Review Paper
    [Social Sciences]
    Dissernet: Overcoming Scientific Misconduct in Post-Soviet Academia
    Egor Bronnikov, and Andrey Rostovtsev
  3. Review Paper
    [Political Science]
    Unmasking Postmodern Autocratic Propaganda: What We Know About It And What We Don’t.
    Egor Bronnikov
    World Politics: Proposal Approved,  2024
  4. Research Paper
    Motivated Efforts.
    Egor Bronnikov
  5. Research Paper
    (De)Motivating Sentiments: The Effects of Induced Emotions on Asymmetric Belief Updating
    Egor Bronnikov, and Michalis Drouvelis
  6. Research Paper
    Wartime Preferences: The Effect of Violence Exposure on Time and Risk Attitudes
    Egor Bronnikov, and Hannes Rusch
  7. Research Paper
    [Political Science]
    Breaking Through the Information Bubble: The Role of U.S. (Non-)Partisanship in Polarization
  8. JRSSSA_2023_Oct.jpg
    Book Review of ’Principles of Statistical Analyses: Learning from Randomized Experiments’ by Ery Arias-Castro.
    Egor Bronnikov
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society–Series A: Forthcoming,  2024
  9. JBEE_24_Dec.jpeg
    Book Review of ’Game Theory and Behavior’ by Jeffrey Carpenter and Andrea Robbett.
    Egor Bronnikov
    Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics,  2024,  vol. 113, pp. 102294
  10. Democratiazation_2023_30(8).png
    [Political Science]
    Book Review of ’After Authoritarianism: Transitional Justice and Democratic Stability’ by Monika Nalepa.
    Egor Bronnikov
    Democratization,  2024,  vol. 31,  no. 8, pp. 1939–1940
  11. JRSSSA_187_Aug.jpeg
    Book Review of ’The Effect: An Introduction to Research Design and Causality’ by Nick Huntington-Klein.
    Egor Bronnikov
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society–Series A,  2024,  vol. 187,  no. 3, pp. 853
  12. JPR_2023.jpg
    [Political Science]
    Book Note on ’Why Humans Fight: The Social Dynamics of Close-Range Violence’ by Siniša Malešević.
    Egor Bronnikov
    Journal of Peace Research,  2024


  1. PersonnelPsucho_76_4.jpg
    Book Review of ’The Power Of Experiments: Decision Making In A Data-Driven World’ by Michael Luca & Max H. Bazerman.
    Egor Bronnikov
    Personnel Psychology,  2023,  vol. 76,  no. 4, pp. 1219-1221
  2. Democratiazation_2023_30(8).png
    [Political Science]
    Book Review of ’Voicing Politics: How Language Shapes Public Opinion’ by Efrén Pérez & Margit Tavits.
    Egor Bronnikov
    Democratization,  2023,  vol. 30,  no. 8, pp. 1628-1630
  3. JoEM_30_3.jpeg
    Book Review of ’Social Preferences: An Introduction to Behavioural Economics and Experimental Research’ by Michalis Drouvelis.
    Egor Bronnikov
    Journal of Economic Methodology (ahead-of-print),  2023
  4. PSR_21_4.png
    [Political Science]
    Commissioned Book Review of ’Spin Dictators: The Changing Face of Tyranny in the 21st Century’ by Sergei Guriev and Daniel Treisman.
    Egor Bronnikov
    Political Studies Review,  2023,  vol. 21,  no. 4, pp. np7-np8
  5. DecPublCh.jpeg
    Book Review of ’The Voltage Effect: How to Make Good Ideas Great and Great Ideas Scale’ by John List.
    Egor Bronnikov
    Public Choice,  2023,  vol. 194, pp. 229-230


  1. JBEE_2022_Dec.jpeg
    Book Review of ’Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters’ by Steven Pinker.
    Egor Bronnikov
    Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics,  2022,  vol. 101, pp. 951
  2. JBEP_6_1.jpeg
    Book Review of ’Noise: A Flaw In Human Judgment’ by Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony, and Cass R. Sunstein.
    Egor Bronnikov
    Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy,  2022,  vol. 6,  no. 1, pp. 53-54


  1. JBEP_3_1.jpeg
    Book Review of ’How We Misunderstand Economics and Why It Matters’ by David Leiser and Yhonatan Shemesh.
    Egor Bronnikov
    Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy,  2019,  vol. 3,  no. 1, pp. 46-47